

Bring every family into your classroom

1. To develop a child harmoniously and holistically by emphasizing on his physical, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic, social and spiritual needs.

2. To emphasize on total personality development, conceptual ability and skill development through its own exclusively developed and structured curriculum and very methodical curriculum transaction.

3. To provide freedom and space for individual expression and growth to become self-reliant, self-motivated and a confident human being.

4. To provide exposure to latest technology and learning techniques and interaction with the best of resource people will be the prime concern.

1. To emerge as the best choice in the education, globally.

2. To put the child at the heart of learning to become a transformational leader through understanding, knowledge and skills which can drive innovation to shape a better future for all.

3. To generate integrated focus on academics, services, supports and opportunities that will lead to improved student learning, stringer family bonding and healthier communities.

Our Philosophy

To unlock the potential of every learner for a better world.

 1. Values


2. Our Commitment:

  • We seek to understand the needs, interests and motivations of each of our learners so that we can set them up for success in their unique journeys.
  •  We provide a safe and stimulating learning environment on campus and online where learning happens by design and not by chance.
  •  We foster a culture of growth mindset and lifelong learning where staff and students are allowed to ask questions, make mistakes and take risks.
  •  We respect differences and are mindful of our language while speaking about and with students.
  •  We take concrete measures to promote physical, emotional, social and mental wellbeing of our students and staff.
  •  We develop an enabling relationship with our parent community where constructive feedback is sought and used for improvement.
  • We look after our environment and consume with care.
  • We build meaningful partnerships with global organisations for a lasting positive impact.

In doing so, we aim to develop competent and compassionate young people who are confident, innovative, engaged, responsible and reflective.

Our Programs

The Below described activities will keep your kids entertained when the school day is over.

After-school programs not only provide a safe space for kids of working parents to learn, but according to the research, they can also help improve math and reading grades, promote physical health.

Cambridge Certified Programs.


Based on the ethos of the International British Curriculum, our approach nurtures students’ unique strengths for a successful future and fosters curiosity, instills a love of learning and develops open-mindedness.

CAMBRIDGE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL is  authorised to offer Early Years Programme for ages 1 to 8 years .

A rich EYFS  (ages 1 to 8) curriculum  provides the consistency of a true international education.

Through an active, inquiry-based learning approach, we teach students to think for themselves and to understand the significance of what they are learning in global and local contexts.


CAMBRIDGE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL recognizes the Montessori Method as an educational philosophy rooted in the desire for respect, equity, and justice, and we commit to the challenging work of ensuring we abide by these principles as a school community. This commitment leads us to view diversity and inclusion not as a goal, but rather as a starting point on a path to excellence. Having a diverse and inclusive community allows us to intentionally teach students to value and learn from their differences and to conduct the work that we know will lead to the lasting peace Dr. Montessori envisioned. It enables our staff and leadership to bring a multitude of perspectives and experiences to solving any challenges we face in the future. And it helps us to make a broader and more-complete impact on the world around us.

The Montessori method of education focuses on the natural development of the child, where hands-on learning and character development are the mainstays of teaching and learning. Teachers guide their students using a more child-centered approach than traditional schools. In our schools, children are actively encouraged to explore, play, and learn alongside their peers through activities that stimulate autonomy, challenge, creativity and mastery.

It helps them instill independent learning, creative thinking and excellent communication skills and further arm them to succeed in tomorrow’s world.

The cognitive approach in a progressive way with the help of Dr. Maria Montessori teaching materials thus enhances gross motor skills, sensory development, hand-eye coordination and adaptation to the changing environment in their sensitive period of conscious as well as the subconscious phase of absorbent mind.
Best Preschool in India, Approach
All children want to learn. With the freedom to investigate the world around them, they will become active learners. At Cambridge Montessori Pre School, children have the freedom (within limits) to choose their own activities.
With this freedom of choice, children will become enthusiastic learners and this will aid them to develop self-discipline.


The Cambridge Montessori Pre School’s environment is child-centered. Children progress at their own pace.

 Lessons are given on individual basis or in small groups. This enables the teachers to discover more about each individual child and their inner development.

Instead of instructing with rote lectures, handouts, worksheets and lesson plans, our Montessori teachers will offer guidance.

 The classroom will often contain several stations each containing toys which allow children to explore and learn.

For example, a common station in our Montessori classroom will have a bucket of LEGO blocks and several pictures of simple objects like an apple or a house which the children can build if they want.

Other stations might have books, crayons, a xylophone or other engaging activities. The whole idea behind our Montessori classroom is allowing children to learn through playing.

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that children educate themselves, “It may be said that we acquire knowledge by using our minds, but the child absorbs knowledge directly into his/her psychic life”.

Concept Method

The Montessori method is an educational approach where children are guided through self-directed and self-motivated learning, activities, and play to aid in their growth in the four developmental domains of early childhood education—cognitive, language, social-emotional, and physical.

It was created by Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator. After observing human development from birth to adulthood, she designed a whole child approach to supporting childhood development by giving children the structure and tools they need to be successful inside and outside the classroom.

The goal of the Montessori method is to create a strong foundation so children can become motivated, independent learners who eventually transition to successful adults as they continue their education and development. By providing a safe, engaging, and nurturing environment for young children, a Montessori classroom has the potential to help preschoolers develop trust in themselves and the world, grow confidence in their skills, and gain independence.

To establish the Montessori method in the classroom, the CAMBRIDGE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL recognizes five core components of Montessori education::

By the time preschool-age children enter a Montessori classroom, they’ve started developing the foundations of their personality and skills. A trained Montessori educator takes the lead at this stage to create an environment where a classroom of multi-age children can continue developing and strengthening their abilities. This environment is meant to support self-directed learning with materials and activities that target social skills, language and literacy development, mathematical concepts, and more.

The child-focused ideology of the Montessori method sets up the opportunity for children to learn through real-life activities, object manipulation, and open-ended exploration. They are free to follow their interests, choose their activities, strengthen their attention and concentration, and engage at their own pace.
